Session manager for tmux, which allows users to save and load tmux sessions through simple configuration files. Powered by libtmux.
New to tmux? The Tao of tmux is available on Leanpub and Amazon Kindle. Read and browse the book for free on the web.
Have some spare time? Help us triage and code review and the tracker. See issue #290!
$ pip install --user tmuxp
$ brew install tmuxp
Debian / ubuntu:
$ sudo apt install tmuxp
$ [[ -z $(which tmux) ]] && (nix-env -i tmux && nix-env -i tmuxp) || nix-env -i tmuxp
Find the package for your distro on repology:
Developmental releases:
Load a tmux session¶
Load tmux sessions via json and YAML, tmuxinator and teamocil style.
session_name: 4-pane-split
- window_name: dev window
layout: tiled
- cd ~/ # run as a first command in all panes
- shell_command: # pane no. 1
- cd /var/log # run multiple commands in this pane
- ls -al | grep \.log
- echo second pane # pane no. 2
- echo third pane # pane no. 3
- echo fourth pane # pane no. 4
Save as mysession.yaml, and load:
tmuxp load ./mysession.yaml
Projects with .tmuxp.yaml or .tmuxp.json load via directory:
tmuxp load path/to/my/project/
Load multiple at once (in bg, offer to attach last):
tmuxp load mysession ./another/project/
Name a session:
tmuxp load -s session_name ./mysession.yaml
simple and very elaborate config examples
User-level configurations¶
tmuxp checks for configs in user directories:
, usually $HOME/.config/tmuxp/$HOME/.tmuxp/
Load your tmuxp config from anywhere by using the filename, assuming ~/.config/tmuxp/mysession.yaml (or .json):
$ tmuxp load mysession
See author’s tmuxp configs and the projects’ tmuxp.yaml.
New in 1.6.0:
tmuxp shell
launches into a python console preloaded with the attached
server, session, and window in
libtmux objects.
$ tmuxp shell
(Pdb) server
<libtmux.server.Server object at 0x7f7dc8e69d10>
(Pdb) server.sessions
[Session($1 your_project)]
(Pdb) session
Session($1 your_project)
(Pdb) window
Window(@3 1:your_window, Session($1 your_project))
(Pdb) window.panes
[Pane(%6 Window(@3 1:your_window, Session($1 your_project)))
(Pdb) pane
Pane(%6 Window(@3 1:your_window, Session($1 your_project))
Supports PEP
553 breakpoint()
). Also supports direct commands via -c
$ tmuxp shell -c 'print('
$ tmuxp shell -c 'print('
Read more on tmuxp shell in the CLI docs.
Pre-load hook¶
Run custom startup scripts (such as installing project dependencies before loading tmux. See the and before_script example
Load in detached state¶
You can also load sessions in the background by passing -d

Freeze a tmux session¶
Snapshot your tmux layout, pane paths, and window/session names.
$ tmuxp freeze session-name
See more about freezing tmux sessions.
Convert a session file¶
Convert a session file from yaml to json and vice versa.
$ tmuxp convert filename
This will prompt you for confirmation and shows you the new file that is going to be written.
You can auto confirm the prompt. In this case no preview will be shown.
$ tmuxp convert -y filename
$ tmuxp convert --yes filename
Plugin System¶
tmuxp has a plugin system to allow for custom behavior. See more about the Plugin System.
Debugging Helpers¶
The load
command provides a way to log output to a log file for
debugging purposes.
$ tmuxp load --log-file <log-file-name> .
Collect system info to submit with a Github issue:
$ tmuxp debug-info
system: Linux
arch: x86_64
# ... so on
Docs / Reading material¶
See the Quickstart.
Documentation homepage (also in 中文)
Want to learn more about tmux itself? Read The Tao of Tmux online.
Your donations fund development of new features, testing and support. Your money will go directly to maintenance and development of the project. If you are an individual, feel free to give whatever feels right for the value you get out of the project.
See donation options at
Project details¶
tmux support: 1.8+
python support: >= 3.9, pypy, pypy3
Test Coverage:
Open Hub:
License: MIT.