tmuxp helps you manage tmux workspaces.
Built on an object relational mapper for tmux. tmux users can reload common
workspaces from YAML, JSON and dict
workspace files like
tmuxinator and teamocil.
tmuxp is used by developers for tmux automation at great companies like Bugsnag, Pragmatic Coders and many others.
To jump right in, see Quickstart and Examples.
Interested in some kung-fu or joining the effort? API Reference and Developing and Testing.
MIT-licensed. Code on github.
Compared to tmuxinator / teamocil¶
Load sessions Loads tmux sessions from config
YAML Supports YAML format
Inlining / shorthand configuration All three support short-hand and simplified markup for panes that have one command.
Maturity and stability As of 2016, all three are considered stable, well tested and adopted.
Version support tmuxp only supports tmux >= 1.8
. Teamocil and
tmuxinator may have support for earlier versions.
Programming Language python. teamocil and tmuxinator use ruby.
Workspace building process teamocil and tmuxinator process configs directly shell commands. tmuxp processes configuration via ORM layer.
Additional Features¶
CLI tmuxp’s CLI can attach and kill sessions with tab-completion support. See Commands.
Import config import configs from Teamocil / Tmuxinator [1]. See tmuxp import.
Session freezing Supports session freezing into YAML and JSON format [1]. See tmuxp freeze.
JSON config JSON config support. See Examples.
ORM-based API via libtmux - Utilizes tmux >= 1.8’s unique ID’s for
panes, windows and sessions to create an object relational view of the tmux
, its Session
, and Pane
See libtmux’s internals.
Conversion $ tmuxp convert <filename>
can convert files to and
from JSON and YAML.
Minor tweaks¶
Unit tests against live tmux version to test statefulness of tmux sessions, windows and panes. See Continuous integration.
Load + switch to new session from inside tmux.
Resume session if config loaded.
Pre-commands virtualenv / rvm / any other commands.
Load config from anywhere
$ tmuxp load /full/file/path.json
.Load config
from current working directory with$ tmuxp load .
.$ tmuxp -2
,$ tmuxp -8
for forcing term colors a la tmux(1).$ tmuxp -L<socket-name>
,$ tmuxp -S<socket-path>
for sockets and$ tmuxp -f <workspace-file>
for config file.