tmuxp shell

usage: tmuxp shell [-h] [-S socket-path] [-L socket-name] [-c COMMAND]
                   [--best | --pdb | --code | --ptipython | --ptpython |
                   --ipython | --bpython] [--use-pythonrc] [--no-startup]
                   [--use-vi-mode] [--no-vi-mode]
                   [session-name] [window-name]

Positional Arguments


Named Arguments


pass-through for tmux -S


pass-through for tmux -L


instead of opening shell, execute python code in libtmux and exit


use best shell available in site packages

Default: 'best'


use plain pdb


use stdlib’s code.interact()


use ptpython + ipython


use ptpython


use ipython


use bpython


load PYTHONSTARTUP env var and ~/ script in –code

Default: False


load PYTHONSTARTUP env var and ~/ script in –code

Default: False


use vi-mode in ptpython/ptipython

Default: False


use vi-mode in ptpython/ptipython

Default: False

Directly enter commands

$ tmuxp shell -c 'python code'


Launch into a Python console with libtmux objects. Compare to django’s shell.

Automatically preloads current tmux server, session, window pane. Pass additional arguments to select a specific one of your choice:

(Pdb) server
<libtmux.server.Server object at 0x7f7dc8e69d10>
(Pdb) server.sessions
[Session($1 your_project)]
(Pdb) session
Session($1 your_project)
(Pdb) window
Window(@3 1:your_window, Session($1 your_project))
(Pdb) window.panes
[Pane(%6 Window(@3 1:your_window, Session($1 your_project)))
(Pdb) pane
Pane(%6 Window(@3 1:your_window, Session($1 your_project)))

Supports PEP 553’s PYTHONBREAKPOINT and compatible debuggers, for instance ipdb:

$ pip install --user ipdb
$ env PYTHONBREAKPOINT=ipdb.set_trace tmuxp shell

You can also pass in python code directly, similar to python -c, do this via tmuxp -c:

$ tmuxp shell -c 'print(; print('
$ tmuxp shell my_server -c 'print(; print('
$ tmuxp shell my_server my_window -c 'print(; print('
$ tmuxp shell my_server my_window -c 'print('

Assuming inside a tmux pane or one is attached on default server:

$ tmuxp shell -c 'print(; print('

Shell detection

tmuxp shell detects the richest shell available in your site packages, you can also pick your shell via args:

  • --pdb: Use plain old breakpoint() (python 3.7+) or pdb.set_trace

  • --code: Drop into code.interact, accepts --use-pythonrc

  • --bpython: Drop into bpython

  • --ipython: Drop into ipython

  • --ptpython: Drop into ptpython, accepts --use-vi-mode

  • --ptipython: Drop into ipython + ptpython, accepts --use-vi-mode